Lucero Mejia
Lucero understands the corporate world because she was part of that environment, and at an early age, she decided to switch gears into a more meaningful career: The Human Body. Being very health conscious all her life, she thought she would encourage and motivate people to do the same. Explicitly, Lucero helps us understand how we can take responsibility for our own health so that we can live a more fulfilling, healthy and peaceful life.
Her biggest accomplishment in life was, after learning that her parents had high cholesterol, high blood pressure and kidney issues, she changed their nutrition for over 35 years and got them to both live to age 97.
Therefore, Lucero asks, what kind of life do you want to have in your golden years? She wants you to have the life that you deserve! Lucero’s approach is to create awareness when it comes to her client’s eating habits and their exercise routines. She guides every clients step by step at different paces to make meaningful and lasting changes that will determine what quality of life they will achieve. “Our choices matter” and “it is never too late to start thinking about fitness and nutrition….however, it is always too late to wait”, Lucero says.
- CCNH, Birmingham, AL. Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition (highest honors), 2007
- Muscle Activation Techniques Institute, Denver, CO. Muscle Activation Certified Therapist, 2004
- Ohashi Institute, Advanced Program Ohashiatsu Therapist (Oriental Medicine) Milan, Italy 2002.
- International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, PA. Degree in Fitness and Nutrition, 1998
- Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ. Bachelor of Science in Finance (Magna Cum Laude), 1990
- MCCC, Hamilton, NJ. Associate of Science in Business Administration (high honors), 1989
- ACE (American Counseling on Exercise) Certified Personal Trainer
- CPR/AED, First Aid.
- Zumba Instructor Certification, Cherry Hill, NJ.
- Aerobics & Fitness Association of America, Weight Training Certification
- Aerobics & Fitness Association of America, Step Certification
- National Academy of Sports Medicine, Biomechanics and Physiology Certification
- Aerobics & Fitness Association of America, Personal Training Certification
- Spinning Program Certification
Work Experience:
- Feel Rejuvenated, LLC (1998 – present)
Personal business dedicated to enhance the individual’s health in all possible areas. Provides services like exercise routines that the person can do at home, to learning how to make your own healthy and smart food from scratch. The ultimate goal is to educate and encourage people to take responsibility for their health, to achieve the highest level of fitness, to stay in harmony with oneself, and to live a more fulfilling, healthy, and peaceful life.
- AT&T (1978 – 1998)Promoted from Telephone Operator to higher levels of Management.